1. Timetable

Select your enrolment type from each of the options below.

Select a location
  1. Freyberg Pool & Fitness Centre
  2. Karori Pool
  3. Karori Recreation Centre
  4. Keith Spry Pool
  5. Kilbirnie Recreation Centre
  6. Nairnville Recreation Centre
  7. Tawa Pool
  8. Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre (WRAC)
Select a program
  1. SwimWell Adult Lessons
  2. SwimWell Courses
  3. SwimWell Swim Assessment
Select a level
  1. Seals (5-9m - Parent in water)Your baby will explore the aquatic environment through assisted water play and songs. This course offers an opportunity for baby and parent to bond and encourages your baby's lifelong love of the water.Target age 5 to 8 months
  2. Minnows (9-16m)Between 9-16 months your babies developmental milestones increase. Minnows focuses on aquatic readiness and increasing independent participation.Target age 9 to 15 months
  3. Penguins (14-24m Parent in water)Your child will begin to make their way through the water using kicking and paddling skills. Through fun activities, your child will become more confident going underwater and practicing assisted swims.Target age 14 to 23 months
  4. Turtles (22-36m - Parent in water)Your child will become more confident and independent in the water, practising floating, kicking and paddling skills with your support. Your child will learn to trust and develop a relationship with an instructor. Independent submersion is encouragedTarget age 22 to 35 months
  5. Turbo Turtles (26-36m)Assessment is required for this course or your child has progressed from Turtles. They must have shown they can take instruction without the parent, have full breath control and are comfortable going underwater independently.Target age 26 to 35 months
  6. Little Dippers (3 & 4 years - No Parent)No assessment is required to enter this class. Your child will learn to confidently submerge with breath control and assisted floating on their front and back.Target age 3 to 4 years
  7. Big Dippers (3 & 4 years)An assessment is required to enter this class, or your child must have passed Little Dippers. Your child will learn to float and glide on their front and back independently.Target age 3 to 4 years
  8. Seahorse (3 & 4 years)An assessment is required to enter this class, or your child must have passed Big Dippers. Children will learn to independently kick on their front in streamline, to kick on their back with arms by their side, and roll from their front to back.Target age 3 to 4 years
  9. JellyfishNo assessment is required to enter this class. Your child will learn to confidently submerge with breath control to float assisted on their front and their back.Target age 5 to 7 years
  10. StingrayAn assessment is required to enter this class, or your child must have passed Little Dippers or Jellyfish. Your child will learn independent floating and gliding on their front and their back.Target age 5 to 7 years
  11. KingfishAn assessment is required to enter this class or your child must have passed Big Dippers or Stingray. Children will learn to independently kick on their front in streamline, kick on their back with arms by their side, and roll from front to back.Target age 5 to 9 years
  12. KahawaiAn assessment is required to enter this class or your child must have passed Seahorse or Kingfish. Your child will learn straight arm circles on their front in No.11 position and continuous arms on their back.Target age 5 to 9 years
  13. BarracudasAn assessment is required to enter this class or your child must have passed Stars or Kahawai or SW2. Your child will learn to roll to breathe, refine arm circles in No.11 position, refine continuous arms on back and is introduced to dolphin kick.Target age 5 to 15 years
  14. EelsAn assessment is required to enter this class or your child must have passed Barracudas. Your child will learn independent bubble-bubble breathe and continuous arms on back with shoulder rotation.Target age 5 to 15 years
  15. SnappersAn assessment is required to enter this class, or your child must have passed Eels or SW 3. Your child will learn bilateral bubble-bubble breathe with 3/4 arms in No.11 position, continuous arms on back with rotation and streamline butterfly kicks.Target age 5 to 15 years
  16. DolphinsAn assessment is required to enter this class or your child must have passed Snappers. Your child will learn freestyle 12.5m, backstroke 12.5m and breaststroke kick with good technique.Target age 5 to 15 years
  17. MarlinsAn assessment is required to enter this class or your child must have passed Dolphins. Your child will refine freestyle 2 x 12.5m, backstroke 2 x 12.5m and learn breaststroke with correct timing.Target age 5 to 15 years
  18. Swordfish TahiNo assessment is required to enter this class, but your child must be 8yrs or older. Your child will learn to confidently submerge with breath control, float unassisted on their front and their back, and independently glide on their front and back.Target age 8 to 17 years
  19. Shark Clinic (45min)An assessment is required to enter this class, or your child must have passed Marlins or Swordfish 4. Your child will swim freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke with correct technique - 150m of freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke.Target age 5 to 17 years
  20. Advanced Shark Clinic (60min)An assessment is required to enter this class, or your child must have passed Silver Sharks, SW 5 or Shark Clinic. Your child will swim 300m of freestyle, backstroke, and breaststroke and 25m butterfly kicking.Target age 5 to 17 years
  21. Swordfish RuaAn assessment is required to enter this class, or your child must have passed SW Tahi. Your child will learn to independently kick on their front and back, roll from front to back, and willreceive an introduction to breaststroke and caterpillar kicksTarget age 8 to 17 years
  22. Swordfish ToruAn assessment is required to enter this class, or your child must have passed SW Rua. Children will learn freestyle arms, continuous arms on back and will be introduced to sculling arms.Target age 8 to 17 years
  23. Swordfish WhāAn assessment is required to enter this class, or your child must have passed SW Toru. Your child will learn freestyle with breathing, continuous arms on back with shoulder rotation and pull and will streamline their butterfly kick.Target age 8 to 17 years
  24. Swordfish RimaAn assessment is required to enter this class, or your child must have passed SW Wha. Your child will refine freestyle 2 x 12.5m, backstroke 2 x 12.5m and will learn to perform breaststroke with correct timing.Target age 11 to 17 years